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Fantastic news! This update will definitely make the Handyscan Premium/Business experience even better. I appreciate the responsiveness to user feedback and the effort to provide more value. Looking forward to making the most out of these new benefits!tensorflow training Also, when the pack expires, you will keep the other features as a full app (no Ads, upload to different clouds/folders, no pages limit per document, backup/restore, Office365 support).

Very informative ! Thanks for sharing . Pls check this for more information. 

Thank you


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Disappointing news about the new API restrictions on Social Scout – a significant cut in features like 'Friends nearby,' 'Events nearby,' and 'Places monitoring.' Booklet, unfortunately, is now almost entirely redirected to the traditional newsfeed. For more info click here

Hello james

It appears that despite setting the Touch sensitivity to "Normal" on your Lumia 920, an accidental unlock occurred while the phone was in your pocket. This unexpected behavior may have led to the display being on and the device generating heat. It's essential to ensure that pocket activation doesn't compromise battery life or cause unintended usage. Consider double-checking your device settings, and if the issue persists, you may want to explore additional measures such as using a screen lock or checking for any software updates that might address this issue. Your phone's performance and user experience are our priorities, and we appreciate your feedback to continually improve our devices.

Concerned about the touch sensitivity on the latest 920 screen, where accidental button presses in pockets or bags may lead to continuous touches, preventing the phone from going into standby mode and causing potential battery drain. This behavior, akin to the current WP lockscreen, could be a crucial aspect to address for a better user experience. It remains to be seen if WP8 or future Nokia ROM updates will introduce changes to prevent excessive screen touches and address potential battery issues.

Thnk you
